Friday, May 15, 2009

" I Luv this Cantree " Shahid Malik

Oh when the mighty are questioned,good gosh , does the arrogance really
parade itself in the self-righteous pomposity that only a migrant apes so

Just scanning throught the news after about a month of not having watched
any news , one really feels energised by the awakening of the ' good '
British public, and for once its not a cliched excretion from a
manipulating proverbial.

The Anglo-Saxons atleast have the humility to realise that its not what you
say its how you say it ... Mr Malik has obviously been fast-tracked in and
has apparently been fastening himself a little too tightly to his massager for
his ego to handle.

Question Time is now heckle time,and the extremists are excited. With all
the insight in the world from over a year ago, one of my alter-ego's
included a comedy sketch highlighting that the pre-current Labour regime
had managed what Hitler's socialists managed :uniting the far left with the
far right.Today as iPhone-using,risk-averse tragedies of a once great
manufacturing nation we're still glued to 99% of the tragic-comedy
shovelled into our homes as entertainment.The anti-warsters and far right
are united against this parody of governance:and they don't mind-waste on
terror-vision [ Michael Franti , Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy] .

Here's hoping that post this chapter of demon-cracy, the 'good' public
realise that there's nothing worthy of 24 hour news channels.Get on the net
and monitor the daily expenses of these 'public servants' and while at it ,
we may all get our own houses in order.Sack the debt card,do more,the MP's
never promised thinking for us in any manifesto.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Get Your Timing Right

I had the idea that I would be an inventor when I was 5 years old. Now, 52
years later, I still fashion myself an inventor. After some youthful
experiments, I realized that the key to a successful invention is timing.
Many inventors succeed in getting their contraptions to work, yet most
inventions still fail in the marketplace because the enabling factors
needed for success are not in place when they're needed.

Ray Kurzweil, inventor and entrepreneur

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Follow Your Bliss

If you're into reading the self-improvement /self-development stuff then
you probably won't want to read this post (or perhaps this blog) because
what you'll find here is the antithesis of all that.  If anything, this
weblog is about a radical Self-acceptance.

Have you noticed that there seems to be an ever increasing number of self
help gurus appearing on the web and in print?  There's probably not a
'nice' way to say this, but I think the idea of self-development is
probably the most insidiously disempowering concept we have ever created. 
The notion and pursuit of self-improvement in its many forms is the single
mad idea that cements our belief that we are somehow created less than

Where else in the natural world you ever find such a crazy notion.Does a
rose, a bear or a butterfly strive to better itself?  No they don't.  They
play and just enjoying doing what they do..... and as they do, they
naturally learn, grow and blossom.