Friday, May 15, 2009

" I Luv this Cantree " Shahid Malik

Oh when the mighty are questioned,good gosh , does the arrogance really
parade itself in the self-righteous pomposity that only a migrant apes so

Just scanning throught the news after about a month of not having watched
any news , one really feels energised by the awakening of the ' good '
British public, and for once its not a cliched excretion from a
manipulating proverbial.

The Anglo-Saxons atleast have the humility to realise that its not what you
say its how you say it ... Mr Malik has obviously been fast-tracked in and
has apparently been fastening himself a little too tightly to his massager for
his ego to handle.

Question Time is now heckle time,and the extremists are excited. With all
the insight in the world from over a year ago, one of my alter-ego's
included a comedy sketch highlighting that the pre-current Labour regime
had managed what Hitler's socialists managed :uniting the far left with the
far right.Today as iPhone-using,risk-averse tragedies of a once great
manufacturing nation we're still glued to 99% of the tragic-comedy
shovelled into our homes as entertainment.The anti-warsters and far right
are united against this parody of governance:and they don't mind-waste on
terror-vision [ Michael Franti , Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy] .

Here's hoping that post this chapter of demon-cracy, the 'good' public
realise that there's nothing worthy of 24 hour news channels.Get on the net
and monitor the daily expenses of these 'public servants' and while at it ,
we may all get our own houses in order.Sack the debt card,do more,the MP's
never promised thinking for us in any manifesto.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!Patrick Kielty,the IRISH comedian married to a babe, must have read your BLOG cause at the comedy awards,he said the same thing!
