Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blitz City

blog about the state of shit city and the council's and the MPs that think they're running it in instead they actually openly use it as a sewer

mix and very insightful observations, about the state of shit city otherwise known as Coventry blitz City I started recording and she's the staring at a screen, I even suggested to her why don't you go ahead and actually make a note so it's written these observations psychological sociological anthropological are really powerful, why does talk about them you can make a comment write a blog and talk about it from a stylistic point of you that these children of Greg's these little illegitimate Clans that walk around blaming refugees there's a bunch of seven eight nine ten family tribal having Anglo-Saxon Briggs and service themselves.

Sent. . . into Collective Consciousness with Gratitude!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

NICAN TLACA.First Nation Karma

" It is the self within ourselves that we have to sacrifice. It is our own heart that has to be torn out of the false being and offered to the light. May Xiuhtecuhtli, Lord of Fire, burn my false being. May Itzli, Obsidian Knife, liberate my heart." Robert Mxyzptlk
Anyone who can't do that is a hazard to themselves and others.

. . . into Collective Consciousness with Gratitude!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Psychic Structures

Sexual suppression supports the power of the
church , which has sunk very deep roots into the
exploited masses by means of sexual anxiety and
guilt. It engenders timidity towards authority and
binds children to their parents.
This results in adult subservience to state
authority and to capitalistic exploitation . It
paralyzes the intellectual critical powers of the
oppressed masses because it consumes the
greater part of biological energy.
Finally it paralyzes the resolute development of
creative forces and renders impossible the
achievement of all aspirations for human
freedom. In this way the prevailing economic
system ( in which single individuals can easily
rule entire masses ) becomes rooted in the
psychic structures of the oppressed themselves.
Willhelm Reich.

. . . into Collective Consciousness with Gratitude!

Endlessness.New Age~Ancient Way.

Endlessness.New Age~Ancient Way.
The Infinite Drone.
This is accomplished only by
knowing precisely how to do it. This process
begins and is sustained by a continual effort to
utilize it in the moment, by being continually
aware of oneself and everything that one does,
whether internally or externally.
Consciousness is not the mind or the senses.
Consciousness utilizes the mind, heart, and
senses to perceive, but can perceive levels of
existence that are beyond our mind (intellect),
heart, and physical senses.
In Kabbalah, Consciousness is related to several
sephiroth on the Tree of Life, primarily Geburah
and Tiphereth. These two sephiroth are superior
to the intellect (Netzach), heart (Hod), vital energy
(Yesod), and physical body (Malkuth). This
understanding corresponds to Hinduism and
Buddhism. For example, in Buddhism, the
skandhas or aggregates provide a window into the
workings of our psychology. Skandha (Sanskrit;
Tibetan: phung po) literally means "group, pile,
aggregate, heap," and is a general term of
Buddhist philosophy describing the basic
faculties of a sentient being or "personality."
There are five skandhas:
1. Corporeality or form (rupa)
2. Sensation (vedana)
3. Perception (samjana)
4. Mental Formations (samskara)
5. Consciousness (vijnana)
The Skandhas relate to five lower bodies.

... into Collective Consciousness with Gratitude!

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Because in any society, at any time certain archetypes exist. One wouldn't dress in a village in remote areas of any Eastern country in a mini-skirt and heels ( esp if its a secular liberated highly educated man ) , respecting cultural values is an extension of respecting a hosts home. In my youth I had my ear pierced, when travelling East I took the piercing out - even as a kid I was conscious of its symbolism. Too many today are zombies simply dropping from one catastrophe into another whilst living denial through the media or pills.